Client Favorites
Nuts & Bolts of Writing Workshop: participants will learn the foundations of writing workshop, including the writing process, the structures, methods and management of writing workshop. This is ideal for teachers who are new to the workshop teaching approach.
Unpacking Writing Units of Study : participants will receive an overview of the following curricular resources: The Guide to Common Core Writing Workshop, the four units of study, the CD-ROM, Writing Pathways Assessment tools and trade books. Please note: you must have the units of study curriculum in order to receive this professional development.
Overview of Grade Level Specific Unit of Study: participants will receive an overview of their grade level's text type specific unit of study including unit specific coaching notes. Please note: you must have the units of study curriculum in order to receive this professional development.
Scoring Student Writing: participants will learn the assessment tools used in the Writing Pathways Assessment System and the importance of data-driven, assessment based instruction. Often school districts will combine this on-going training with a brief overview of the next grade level unit of study. Please note: that you must have the units of study curriculum and Writing Pathways Assessment System in order to participate in this professional development.
Writing Workshop Conferences: participants will learn the structures, methods of individual and small group conferences. Included in this training is video of conferences to support and extend instruction and to prepare teachers for conferring strategies with students. Often school districts will combine this a lab class demonstration and practice.
Making School Wide Change: participants will study topics such as the leadership of implementing and supporting a K-5 articulated writing curriculum, supervising writing instruction, predictable problems, reflective practice and risk-taking. This is ideal session to jump-start an on-going study group for principals or instructional leaders who are new to the workshop approach. Please note: A Principal's Guide to Leadership in the Teaching of Writing by Lucy Calkins and Laurie Pessah; available from Heinemann is suggested as professional text.
Nuts & Bolts of Reading Workshop: participants will learn the foundations of reading workshop, including the structures, methods and management of reading workshop. This is ideal for teachers who are new to the workshop teaching approach.
Fountas & Pinnell Reading Benchmark Assessments: participants will learn the assessment tools used in the Benchmark Assessment System, the scoring and coding process, and the importance of data-driven, assessment based instruction. Please note that you must have the Fountas & Pinnell Assessment System in order to participate in this professional development. This is a two part series. Session One will focus on the assessment tools and running records and the coding process. Session Two will focus on scoring and implications for instruction.